The Labyrinths
The Tofte Manor Star Labyrinth and Earth Labyrinth act as a source of inspiration and can be used as tools to explore our own inner ‘Journey’. Research has shown that walking a labyrinth creates balance in the body and the mind by balancing the two hemispheres of the brain.
The labyrinths at Tofte Manor act as anchor points for cosmic and earth energies, the above and the below, the yin and the yang, the masculine and the feminine providing an opportunity for bringing them into balance within ourselves and the world.
Incorporated into the labyrinth designs are all the elements. Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Water plays an important role at Tofte Manor. We believe that drinking pure vital, energetic water is essential to our health. Every drop of water that comes into the property has been energetically charged. We provide our own energetically charged drinking water for free.
The Tofte Star Labyrinth
The Tofte Star Labyrinth copies the design of the ancient 11 circuit pattern of the labyrinth in Chartres Cathedral in France, but with a unique twist. Water runs through it, under the labyrinth pathway, and can be drunk. This water was tested and photographed by Professor Maseru Emoto’s laboratories.
The Tofte Earth Labyrinth
This labyrinth is inspired by the sacred geometric form of the vesica piscis or the vulva, the yoni, the sacred entrance into the creatrix of the womb. As you walk to the centre an underground passageway takes you into an earth chamber which sits in darkness at the centre of this seven circuit labyrinth. Rising above the labyrinth sits a bronze sculpture by Domenic Welch, called ‘Rising Form’.